勇士之心. 你的十大正规网赌网址欢迎您经历可能只持续几年, but your connection to Southern Wesleyan can last a lifetime. Stay connected to SWU through events, publications, and social media.

正规彩票十大网站排名充满信仰的社区是由学生组成的, faculty and staff who are passionate about learning and growing, 课堂内外都有.



位于中环, 南卡罗来纳, 我们的传统, 住宿十大正规网赌网址欢迎您是以基督为中心的, 以学生为中心的学习社区 devoted to transforming lives by challenging students to be dedicated scholars and servant-leaders who impact the world for Christ. 

你是否在另一所大学,正在考虑转学? We invite you to learn more about how you would fit in at 正规彩票十大网站排名.  

This page is for transferring to 我们的传统 campus undergraduate programs. 有关我们的在线课程和研究生课程的信息, 点击这里.

We are excited you are considering transferring to 正规彩票十大网站排名. Many students transfer to SWU each fall and spring from community colleges, 四年制公立和私立大学, 和其他基督教学院. At SWU, we are committed to doing the best job we can to make your transition as smooth as possible.

Learn more about transfer credits accepted at 正规彩票十大网站排名.



Transitioning to another school to continue your education can be difficult, 但这里的情况并非如此. SWU made the process smooth and hassle free with help from faculty every step of the way. Whether it's the welcoming arms of the students or the faculty that hear your goals and make opportunities possible, the SWU community has positive faith-centered connections for everyone.


大多数经历无法用文字和照片来描述. We don't expect you to be convinced to attend 正规彩票十大网站排名 without experiencing it for yourself. Come see the faith-filled campus community here at SWU and how this might be the best place for you.


Experience campus firsthand through the eyes of a SWU student, 参观十大正规网赌网址欢迎您, 见见教授,听听我们的学术项目, speak with financial aid and admissions professionals and enjoy a free lunch.



Personal campus visits are scheduled Monday–Friday and include a campus tour as well as a personal meeting with your admissions counselor to talk about the process of admissions and financial aid. 我们期待着您的光临.


成本 & 金融援助

It's true—college may be one of the biggest expenses you encounter over the next few years. But it can be one of the best investments you'll ever make—and we'll help you every way we can. The value of a college degree still remains high through higher average lifetime earning potential and lower unemployment rates over those with just a high school diploma.

We will work with you to make your college investment as affordable as possible. Take advantage of a variety of institutional scholarships and grants, as well as grants and loans through federal and state assistance. Each student is given personal consideration to fit the financial aid package to the student’s need.


We know changing schools is often occupied by questions about cost, so we are pleased to offer a robust transfer scholarship platform for students transferring into the traditional campus program. See this table to determine your potential transfer scholarship or grant!

转学平均绩点(GPA) 45学分或更少 46个或更多学分
3.75+ 每年$8,000 $10,000 /年
3.50–3.749 每年$6,000 每年$9,000
3.25–3.499 每年5000美元 每年$8,000
3.00–3.249 每年$4,000 每年$6,000
2.75–2.99 每年3000美元 每年5000美元
2.00–2.749 每年$2,500 每年$4,000

Phi Theta Kappa奖学金-每年1000美元

五个可再生$1,000 per year scholarships are awarded to members of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society who transfer to 正规彩票十大网站排名’s 十大正规网赌网址欢迎您 program. The scholarships will be awarded in addition to other sources of eligible institutional aid. Students must submit a copy of their Phi Theta Kappa Society membership. Student must be enrolled as a full-time student in SWU’s 十大正规网赌网址欢迎您 program. The five scholarships will be awarded on a first-come basis and will be applied once a student has been admitted and completed the financial aid process at SWU.

对我来说,转学改变了我对大学的看法. 正规彩票十大网站排名给我的机会, 即使我在这里待的时间很短, 超出了我对大学的任何期望. This is the place where I found a small, personal campus that also offered a big community. I’m so blessed to be a part of a community that is committed to empowering students to carry out the Gospel message to our broken and dying world.


You are right to consider 正规彩票十大网站排名 if you are willing to be challenged in the classroom; you are serious about growing in your Christian faith; you are excited to live alongside other believers in faith-filled community; you have a heart for service; you have a passion to pursue God's purpose for your life; and you want faculty to deeply invest in your college experience.

我们的最低要求是2.所就读大学的累积绩点为0. High school transcripts and test scores may also be requested at the discretion of the Office of 招生.





就是这么简单! 今天就开始吧!




恭喜你,你是勇士! 我们很高兴你能加入勇士家族, and we’re excited to see what God has in store for you at SWU. 既然你被录取了, it’s time to explore your next steps so you’ll be prepared and excited right when you join campus this fall.
